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Census and survey
of house numbers

The law of December 24, 1954 n.1228, officially introduced the house number
House numbers are numeric or alphanumeric values that identify the entrances which from the traffic area allow access to buildings or allow entry into fenced off but unbuilt areas.

When we talk about house numbers, we are talking about different themes; in fact it is the link between the registry office, taxes, cadastre, building and urban planning.

The census of house numbers identifies, if done accurately, the precise residence of individuals, families and also activities.
The rules on street numbering are implemented by art. 42, 43, 44 of the DPR n. 223/1989.
The onomastic revision of the circulation areas is also important, to guarantee a very accurate census.

Street and house numbers, in addition to being the identifying elements of a building, allow people to be registered in the municipal register and take advantage of a series of services linked to the citizen's belonging (residence, domicile, abode) to a territory.

Registry law n.1228 of 1954 establishes that enrollment in the municipal registry is a subjective right recognized by our system to all citizens.

The census and/or survey of house numbers and accesses will also present properties that have not been assigned any number, therefore it is consequently also used to put order in the registry and building archive of the municipality.

The census and/or survey of house numbers and accesses will also present properties that have not been assigned any number, therefore it is consequently also used to put order in the registry and building archive of the municipality.


Census and survey of driveways

The survey of the driveways is a practice that serves to standardize the accesses to the circulation areas for the whole municipal or supra-municipal territory.
This tool is very useful in order to clarify the taxes to be paid for those who have the right of way directly on the traffic area.
The tax office of the public administration finds it difficult to sort all the driveways in its area, since there is a lack of personnel for the inspections to scan and detect the driveways present in the area.